Implantes airdental clinica barcelona


The lack of teeth, apart from being a very important aesthetic deterioration in the oral-dental set, can produce other alterations that directly affect health, such as a misalignment in the bite caused by the displacement of the teeth that are next to the missing piece, etc…

Dental implants are small attachments that are inserted into the jawbone. These implants are made of titanium and act as a support for different types of prostheses, whether they are single (single tooth), multi-unit or even complete dental arches.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are attachments, like artificial roots, which are created to replace other teeth that are in poor condition or have been lost for whatever reason, so that they integrate naturally into the tissues of the mouth and can live together in a healthy way. Technically, it is indicated that a dental implant is fully osseointegrated, so that it can hold the new artificial teeth without any problems.

Dental implants have 3 distinct parts:


When do we opt for dental implants?

The option of dental implants is mainly used when the patient wishes to replace teeth with a stability equal or superior to the lost natural teeth, so that the patient can feel his mouth functionally correct and with an aesthetic that matches the rest of his teeth.

Is dental implant treatment uncomfortable?

The methodology and surgical procedures for the treatment of dental implants are correctly protocolised and are generally performed with minimal or practically no discomfort. They are generally performed under local anaesthesia, as is used in many other dental treatments, where the patient only feels the sensations of pressure in the area where the dentist is working. The postoperative period generally presents slight discomfort in the affected area, and in some cases, some swelling or bruising may occur.

Implante dental

What does dental implant treatment consist of?

As a general rule, dental implant treatment is divided into 4 phases:

A study of the patient’s pathology is carried out, as well as advice on the best option for the patient and planning the actions to be carried out in the future.

Where the placement of dental implants is carried out, depending on the established planning, which can be in one or several sessions.

Where the crowns are placed and the necessary adjustments are made so that the patient is comfortable with the new piece in their mouth.

To check that the fastening is correct after a suitable period of time and that there is no discomfort with the new part


Make an appointment

Do you want to enjoy a healthy smile? Make your reservation now! At Airdental we care about your dental health and that is why we offer you a free first visit. Our team of professionals is at your disposal to advise you and solve all your doubts. Contact us now and start taking care of your smile!

Opening hours

Monday to Friday from 9:00h – 20:00h

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Do you want to enjoy a healthy smile? Make your reservation now! At Airdental we care about your dental health and that is why we offer you a free first visit.

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