Other treatments

Discover the dental treatments that you can find at Airdental

In addition to the main dental treatments such as implants, orthodontics, dental prostheses, dental aesthetics, oral surgery, etc., at the Airdental dental clinic we are specialists in other types of dental treatments such as paediatric dentistry, endodontics, periodontics, tooth whitening, dental hygiene, etc.

Tooth Whitening

Types of whitening

Tooth whitening can be performed on a set of teeth for aesthetic purposes or directly on a single tooth that may have darkened after dental trauma or root canal treatment.

Internal tooth whitening

It is generally used in cases where only one tooth is involved, which in turn can be complemented by external tooth whitening techniques.

External tooth whitening

Current tooth whitening techniques are based on the use of hydrogen peroxide, which, through activation by heat or light, releases H2O2 molecules that are able to filter through the tooth enamel into the dentinal tubules. There are approximately 15,000 dentinal tubules per mm2, so the internal tissue that colours the teeth undergoes an oxidation process that results in the whitening of these tissues. Tooth whitening is therefore a technique that is applied from inside the tooth.

Depending on each patient and the particular aesthetic colour that their mouth needs, the intensity of the tooth whitening is decided together with the doctor. The main recommendation for a tooth whitening treatment is to carry it out gradually, so that the results will be safer and the final colour will match the previous objectives.

If you are thinking about dental whitening, remember that at Airdental we are specialists in dental aesthetics and we can advise you on the best technique to suit your dental aesthetic treatment. The 1st visit is free of charge.



Two of the most important parts of the oral cavity are the gums and the bony area that supports the teeth. Both gums and bone are susceptible to periodontal disease (commonly referred to as “pyorrhoea”). This disease is most often caused by a build-up of bacteria in these areas, usually caused by poor oral hygiene or smoking. Some of the main symptoms of periodontitis are gum inflammation and bleeding, tooth movement and bad breath.

Periodontics is the speciality of dentistry that treats all these diseases by means of various specific treatments depending on the type of condition and patient.

Paediatric Dentistry

It seems obvious that the best medical treatment available is the one that does not have to be carried out. To maintain healthy teeth, it is advisable to maintain a series of healthy habits. Firstly, a proper diet is essential. Sugars and refined flours (biscuits, cakes, pastries, sweets, etc.) are what the bacteria that cause tooth decay feed on and are present in all mouths. Thus, a diet rich in sugary foods is often associated with significant caries problems.

The best thing to do is to follow a varied and healthy diet (fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, and especially foods rich in calcium such as milk or yoghurt). Within minutes of eating, bacteria in the mouth begin to produce acids that demineralise the teeth. Having some cheese after meals is a good trick to slow down this process.



Occasionally there is pain in a tooth. This pain can be caused by caries, dental trauma, severe tooth wear or infections.

In most of these cases it is necessary to remove the nerve from the root(s).

ENDODONTICS is the speciality that deals with this type of treatment, in addition to the protection of these nerves when necessary, by means of ……

Endodontics is a treatment that consists of removing the nerve (pulp) of the teeth.

Dental caries is usually the pathology that requires endodontic treatment, although there may be others such as dental trauma, severe wear or periodontal infections.

Inflammation of the nerve (pulpitis) causes pain. If we do not stop the process, the nerve dies and subsequently becomes infected, also infecting the ligament and bone surrounding the tooth (apical periodontitis). The most effective treatment for any disease is prevention, and as soon as possible.


Make an appointment

Do you want to enjoy a healthy smile? Make your reservation now! At Airdental we care about your dental health and that is why we offer you a free first visit. Our team of professionals is at your disposal to advise you and solve all your doubts. Contact us now and start taking care of your smile!

Opening hours

Monday to Friday from 9:00h – 20:00h

Airdental nuestras especialidades

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¿Quieres disfrutar de una sonrisa saludable? ¡Haz tu reserva ahora! En Airdental nos preocupamos por tu salud dental y por ello te ofrecemos la primera visita gratuita.

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Make an appointment now


Do you want to enjoy a healthy smile? Make your reservation now! At Airdental we care about your dental health and that is why we offer you a free first visit.

The personal data provided voluntarily through this web form will be processed by Airdental, as the party responsible for the processing, for the purpose of attending to your request, query, complaint or suggestion, without any communication or transfer of data, and will be kept for the time necessary to attend to your request. You may exercise your rights of access, rectification or deletion of your data by contacting info@airdental.es